Thursday, October 13, 2011

confirmed- i am a nature boy

Writing this post while sitting in the lobby of Grand Hyatt. Aesthetically well made by architectural standards. But I am least excited by what I see. No complaints, no criticisms. Its really very regal in disposition.

But its me. Its just photoshoped bricks n mortars for me.

But you put two green hills, with the sun rising behind them, a river coming out from a valley, a lot of flora and fauna around, the river growing bigger, cows, sheds, birds in the sky. Ahahaha, that's called beauty! I can even imagine.

No wonder, in any art exercise, this is what I would draw, without fail. Specially if it was a Paintbrush exercise in primary school computer sessions.

I am sure someday you will find me staying more often in the village than city.

I repeat this is nothing to do with Mumbai. I love Mumbai, I don't mind its a mess.

Its just the beauty of nature as it is, is a craving I live for.

--------------Thank You-------------------

Please spare a moment in prayers for our BB jaan, without whom our lives are stuck. And the reason why am a day late in posting.

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