Friday, October 14, 2011

some more letters

Some more letters -

Dear Digvijay Singh,

You are aware of this, but I insist on putting it on record, that you are the NPA's bashing dolly.

What's a bashing dolly? Its that plastic doll of the a joker with a big red nose which you can keep bashing but it always stands up and never falls. I used to have one as a baby, sorry I didn't find the time to google the name.

It distracts the baby, as the little one is amused by the sight of it. The baby keeps bashing it but the doll keeps comin up. Just doesn't get push over. You see all that is there inside is Air, and something solid in the base.

So you, jobless since you were ousted by BJP in MP elections long back, you didn't tick in any of the Congress state units. So they found the last job for you, the inflated dummy doll!

You say whatever rubbish comes to your mouth, when the ruling party is in a mess, so that the media baby keeps punching you, while the elders are relieved from the controversy lime light.

How am I supposed to believe that Hemant Karkare called YOU out of all people at the height of the 26/11 attacks? Like how on earth would you help him??

And you think Anna Hazare is trying for presidentship? Dude! No logic in that! His sole objective for years has been to get rid of corruption. He has had successful campaigns, transformed an entire village, de-throned corrupt ministers, and yet he still sleeps in the courtyard of the temple in his village. If this man becomes the President, we are more than happy. Our present Hon'ble President is seen only on Independence and Republic Days and post any attack. Plus her hubby has a battery of cases against him.

If there is any1 left to fill the void after Abdul Kalam, its Mr. Hazare.

Best Regards,

Dear founders of online rickshaw service,
I read about your new job in DNA. Thank you so much! I don't mind paying 20 bucks extra, specially the many times I am stranded by it. Its easy to remember 5747474, and is easy to remember and access.

I wish you good luck and that you enjoy resounding success in your venture.


Dear Cupid,
You haven't been responding to my mails or messages. Where have you been? Kept me in the lurch for the last one year! I know my life is too busy now, but I still am waiting for love. Its not like falling in love was a time pass while being unemployed, right? I assure you that's not my motto. I through hell or high water.. My heart will go on.....


------------Thank You------------------------------


Nikhil said...

Wicked ! You got a power of letters mighter than gun ;) Keep Shooting :)

M said...

whooaaa.... really enjoyed the sarcasm.... and like Nikhil said, WICKED!!!! LOL

Unknown said...

ha ha thanks guys! Yenna rascala, am I rajni of words?? :D