Saturday, January 9, 2010

How will a financial planner propose to his girlfriend?

We were in midst of our financial planning lecture, and most of us couldn't understand the generous use of investment terms by our professor. I understood the meaning but was still struggling with the flow. So I made up this joke during the lecture which became an instant hit in college..

Here goes.. good luck trying to understand..

"Let's buy each others bonds exclusively with a yield to maturity, time period being infinite, with a 100% effective annual compound rate, with no 'call-back' option.

I assure you my intrinsic value is way above my present market value, and this investment will yield two dividends which will be 200% of P.V"



Anonymous said...

How I wish I could 'like' this.. :D

Krishna said...

naice try...
intellectually silly...!! :P