Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A legacy fallen.. A legacy turned around..

Two different headlines evoked different responses from me today.

One was sad - Kraft(makers of Tobler-one) have made a succesful bid for Cadbury @ $19.6 billion.

It not all bad news as yet, but I have a fear that Kraft will downplay Cadbury(raise price, bad distrubution) to promote its pet products. Akin to Lennovo (which purchased IBM laptop division and strangled the brand to death). I want my Dairy Milk and may lower profits fall on Kraft if it actualises my fears

The second was amusing - Junior ministers in the Cabinet seek work for Pay -

Contrary to my perception of junior ministers of being fund hoggers who feature on Enlarged newspaper advertisements for some random launch.{I beg exceptions- e.g. erstwhile Anand Sharma)

They actually want work, and went upto the PM to complain the lack of it!! "We want to learn and educate ourselves on crucial issues" to quote Mr. Scindia.

I am baffled to the say the least. Politicians finally realized they should 'educate themselves' about the latest issues. What about the ones which are blatant and obvious?

Answer- Not assigned to them.

Dear PM, make them full time ministers!!! We need such people to lead our country!


Suchita said...

Hmm... the cadbury bit got me thinking too... but lets look at the bright side- maybe distribution benefits wud include easily accessible Kraft dairy products! & we all LOVE Kraft cheese but hate the fact that its soo expensive... so rite now, i'm grinning n saying "Cheese" ! :)

commited to life said...

my dairy milk.. boohuhuhoo

o btw seriously junior minister wala thing happened???

Misunderstood Genius said...

I'm more concerned about the junior ministers... They're not exactly messiah's in disguise who're gonna solve India's problem of an inspirational leader (except Omar Abdullah - really impressed with the man).

And shouldn't they have come to office prepared about what is expected of them and what's the job description rather than go to the PM like a kid goes to his class teacher and complain??